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Balancing Burger Articulation Set 1: R, S, L, And Vocalic R

RRP - $47.23   Our Price - $41.77  Cards
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Rachele Ellsworth

  • Balancing Burger Articulation Set 1

57 pages
Interest Age: 4+

Use these cards in conjunction with the original Balancing Language Burger game which contains all the game pieces and motivational components.

Players take turns working together to build a complete burger by rolling the die, practising their speech sounds in individual words, and adding toppings to the burger. Players must be careful because the wobbly plate makes it a true balancing feat. The 57 content cards illustrate six distinct burger toppings. Each burger topping focuses on one of six target words with an emphasis on the vowel proceeding or following the /r/ phoneme. This provides you with over 300 carefully selected target words. Multiple game variations give students plenty of practice as they try to balance the burger and win the game!

Each card presents 6 target words. Cards are presented by word position (initial, medial, & final).

Sold separately is the original Balancing Language Burger for the burger pieces, wobbly plate, and die.